The Blooming Balcony

Gardening Team

A Tropical Balcony

Welcome to our porch garden oasis, where pink is our favorite color. Explore lush foliage, fragrant blooms, and simple gardening tips from our tiny outdoor oasis.

Tubbs the Dog

Garden security officer

About Tubbs

Officer Tubbs boasts eight years of experience and a sharp eye, capable of spotting birds, squirrels, or people in a medium-sized parking lot. Occasionally he enjoys barking for no reason at all.

Despite his small stature — a mix of Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier — Tubbs has strong opinions: no passerby should escape without a bark or two, especially bunnies.

He is especially terrified of flying bugs and lizards. His favorite pastime is ripping cilantro to shreds.

Tubbs has a severe grass allergy so he is often seen prancing around in yellow boots.

Part time employee #1

Jade, a hobby gardener who enjoys hoyas, begonias, orchids and anything pretty and/or edible. She is Tubby’s mommy and gives lots of treats and snuggles.

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